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Please contact our Post Membership Chairman, Mac Rushing @ 704 534-6901 for more information regarding your membership in the American Legion. 


We will need a copy of your DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (or its equivalent).  If you do not have one, the military used to send and may still send, a copy to the courthouse of the county you lived in when you were discharged.  Also, you can request your DD 214 using Standard Form 180 (SF 180) which is easy, self-explanatory, and available on-line.



The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion comprise the Legion Family, which has a combined national membership of nearly 2 million.  The American Legion provides life-changing assistance and guidance for veterans, military personnel, their families and communities in thousands of ways every day around the world. Help comes in the form of personal assistance, cash grants, donated goods, disaster relief, labor, networking, volunteerism and advocacy.


American Legion Eligibility Requirements:

If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion. National Guard and Reservists having been Federally activated (including basic training) during these same war eras also meet the eligibility requirements.    

• Dec. 7, 1941 to Present

• April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)

American Legion Auxiliary Eligibility Requirements:

 (1) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion; and

(2) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who served in either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918 and any time after December 7, 1941 who, being a citizen of the United States at the time of their entry therein served on active duty in the Armed Forces of any of the governments associated with the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge;

(3) grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, and direct and adopted female descendants of all men and women who were in the Armed Forces of the United States during either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; and any time after December 7, 1941 who served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; and

(4) to those women who of their own right are eligible for membership in The American Legion

Sons of the American Legion Eligibility Requirements:

All male descendants adopted sons, and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during the period of April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918, or any time from December 7, 1941, to the present day, who served honorably, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion. 

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